Wednesday, February 27, 2008

HEU Presentation for the New Lower Sixth

Today, the Higher Education Unit was introduced to the new BE's during a briefing session led by the HEU for the Lower Sixth Introduction Week. The briefing was held at the Auditorium at 10am and was presented by the Head of HEU, Ck. Pg. Hjh. Mashayu.
Main contents of the briefing included a video presentation and followed with an introduction of the 7 members of the HEU, a brief summary of our aims and objectives, an overview of the activities and programmes held by HEU and lastly what are the HEU's expectations for the lower sixth. This was then followed by a Q&A session where one brave student , Md.Farhan was able to gain an exclusive one-on-one special career counselling session with HEU for taking the initiative to ask a question to us. It is hoped that the new BE's will be able to benefit from the briefing and we hope that we left them inspired with the motivation to have a VISION!
A snapshot of our newest members of the College. Welcome to Maktab Duli! :)

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