Starting on Tuesday 29th January with the last day being on Monday 4th February, all the counsellors at HEU have been hard at work doing admissions consultations at the auditorium for prospective L6th students. This is one of the biggest activities of the college so each department had to work hand in hand in ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
Counsellors at HEU area hard at work doing one-on-one counselling
Our clients waiting to get education consultation and advice
The main job of the HEU during admissions is to help students to explore their options and opportunities for further education and to make sure that the combination of subjects that they intend to pursue would be suitable for higher education. More importantly it was important to establish what they were going to do AFTER leaving Maktab Duli rather than just thinking short term.
For students who did not have any idea what to do, the counsellors helped to find their personality and interests using Holland's personality theory where students were to identify which of these characteristics best described them
Click HERE to check out the Career Interests Game. Once you've identify which personality trait you are, click on the headings and explore further types of careers that suits your personality (tip: click on the career profession that interests you to find out more about the job description!)
We also tried to make sure that the students know that pursuing 'A' level is not the only option, as there are other ways to get into further education as can be seen here

Thus it was important to point out that 'A' level was not the only option after 'O'levels. For details of entry requirements for Technical College click here and for Nursing College, here.
We are available from 8.00-12.00pm and 1.30pm-4.30 pm at the AUDITORIUM on Saturday and on Monday (last day of admissions) so please do come by and see us and we'll try to help to the best of our capabilities :)
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