Saturday, July 17, 2010
MONDAY 19th JULY 2010
TIME 2.00 – 3.30PM
There will be Bruneian student representatives from universities in different parts of the UK such as
• Leeds
• Loughborough
• Manchester
• Nottingham
• Birmingham
• Bristol
• Hull
This is your opportunity to ask them about
• Applying to the UK – UCAS, Personal Statement, VISA
• Experience in the Scholarship Selection process – Interviews, HECAS
• How to pick a course that suits you
For U62009, This is your chance to network with other Bruneian students in the UK so you’ll see a familiar face when you get there. Learn about
• The universities and activities held by Bruneian student societies
• Accommodation and housing
• Availability of food – halal, asian, vegetarian
• Setting up bank accounts
• Tips on What to bring when you get there
• And more!
At the very least, take this opportunity to learn from your seniors and
Sign Up Sheet on the HEU Noticeboard, see you there!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
STUDYRAMA Higher Education and Careers Fair
Welcome students to the Third Term. Hopefully you are well and rested and ready for what's to come.
The Higher Education Unit has organised the above event where the details are as follows,
Date: Saturday 26th June 2010
Time: 8am – 4pm
Venue: Auditorium, Conference Room and VIP Room
· To expose students to higher education opportunities available locally an abroad.
· To make students aware of career paths in relation to subjects and areas of interest with particular focus on Health, Engineering, Business and Finance and so on.
Agencies Involved
· Universiti
· Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
· Institut Teknologi
· Scholarship Unit, Ministry of Education
· Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education
· Bahagian Pendidikan, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
· Jabatan Buruh
· British Council
· CfBt IELTS coordinator
· Ministry of Health
· Jabatan Kerja Raya, Ministry of Development
· Royal
· Standard Chartered Bank
· Bahagian Kerjaya dan Kaunseling
Tentative Programme of Events
7.30am: Student’s take Attendance in own Registration Class
7.45 am: Students go to LT 11 or LT 12
8.00am: Booth opens,Informal Opening Ceremony by Principal
8.15 – 9.00 Motivational talk and brieifing by the Higher Education Unit
9.00 – 9.45 Briefing by the
9.45-10.00: Break Time
10-.00 – 12.00 Students to view information booths in the auditorium
or attend the briefings
12.00- 1.30pm: Lunch and Zuhur prayers.
1.45pm Afternoon session for talks continues
4.00pm: Booths Closes
There will aslo be talks and briefings which students are suppose to go to and get as much information as you can
Schedule for talks/briefings/seminars to be held concurrently with the booths
| Lecture Theater 11 AE 1-AE 10 | Lecture Theater 12 AE 11-AE 20 |
8.15 – 9.00 | HEU Motivational Talk : What to expect from StudyRama | Briefing by |
9.00- 9.45 | Briefing by | HEU Motivational Talk : What to expect from StudyRama |
| VIP Room* | Conference Room* |
10-05-10.45 | Career Talk: Built and Natural Environment Presented by: Ministry of Development | Career Talk: Health Sciences Presented by: Ministry of Health |
11.00-11.45 | Career Talk: The Oil and Gas industry: Presented by: BSP and BLNG | UBD: The Flexibility of an Arts Degree Presented by: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UBD |
1.45pm-2.30pm | Applying to Presented by: Cecile Dasal, British Council | Finance Forum: Careers in Business, Finance and Banking Presented by: Standard Chartered Bank |
2.45pm-3.30pm | Applying to US Universities Presented by: | |
*Open to ALL students. Attendance taken.
This is your chance to ask questions and make decisions about what you plan to do after A levels!
See you there!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Talk on the Oil and Gas Industry
Don't miss this chance to hear what those who are actually involved in the field have to say. As always there will be a question and answer session apart from them giving you a better idea of what the industry actually does.
So do come and sign up for the talk on the HEU noticeboard
Date : 8th May 2010.
Venue : VIP Room @ MAktab Duli
Time : 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Hope to see you all there!
Monday, April 26, 2010
MinDef Scholarship
This is not an oppurtunity to miss if you believe that you are eligible for All students who are interested in applying please come and see your HEU Counselor as soon as possible. There will be a briefing organised by Maktab Duli for interested students on the
Date : 6th May 2010
Venue: VIP Room @ Maktab Duli
Time : 2.00 pm till 3 pm
The forms for the scholarship can be downloaded directly from the Ministry ofDefense website
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Engineering at University of Leicester

Time: 2.00-3.30 pm.
Venue: VIP Room @ Maktab Duli
Sign up sheets are located outside HEU, so do write down your details if you are interested. See you then!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The University of Edinburgh
This time we have a representative from The University of Edinburgh. It's a good chance to speak to one of the Top 20 Universities in the UK! So here's the information in a nutshell.
As always sign up sheets are located outside HEU, so do write down your details if you are interested. See you then!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Welcome to MD & Upcoming Talks!
Here are two upcoming talks to give you a taste of what HEU does.
1) Warwick University Talk on Engineering Courses @ MD's VIP Room
2) Bristol University Briefing on Business and Geography related Courses @ MD's Conference Room
For students new to MD, these talks are normally conducted by a representative of the University itself so its an excellent oppurtunity to speak to them!
As you may have noticed, both these talks are on the same day, so please take note of that. If you would like to attend these talks, there is a sign up sheet outside HEU. Come fill in your name so we can make the necessary preparations.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
HECAS Update - Breaking news
To U6 2009
Please be informed that
BSc (Geology & Petroleum Geology) &
Bsc (Biotechnology)
is no longer offered at UBD.
For students who have sent their HECAS form applying for the above courses please email ‘’ to request to un-submit your forms.
Please make sure that you include your name, IC number, mobile number and tracking number
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Malaysian Universities Briefing
Thursday, 25th February 2010
2.00 pm - 3.00 PM
MD Conference Room
The briefing will be useful for those interested in studying in Malaysia. The topics that will be covered are how to apply to Malaysian Universities and a career briefing. A number of representatives from Malaysian Universities should be on hand to answer your questions.
It should prove useful especially for those who want to study somewhere close to home (or if Malaysia is your home). So come see what its about.
If you have already signed up to come, please make sure that you do attend. Otherwise all are welcome to attend but please try to register so that we can prepare seating arrangements.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Study in USA Briefing
Wednesday, 17th February 2010
2.00 pm - 3.30 PM
MD Conference Room
The briefing will be useful for those interested in studying in the USA. Among the topics that will be covered are how to apply to American Universities and the Visa Application process.
If you have already signed up to come, please make sure that you do attend. Otherwise all are welcome to attend but please try to register so that we can prepare seating arrangements.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Results are out! Now what?
1. Get your result slip from the Conference room in MD. Any problems, please see exams section under Cikgu Sarinah.
2. Get the mock HECAS form from HEU. Fill this in first BEFORE you submit the actual online HECAS form. Get this checked by your adviser to minimise any mistakes and to get Higher Education advice from your adviser. Please note that for this year you MUST apply to at least one local university.
3. Photocopy all your certs - birth certificate, IC, AS certs, O level certs, result slips and certs of any activities and get this VERIFIED and stamped by the registrar or the clerk. Photocopy 4 sets to be safe because you'll always need them.
4. Get your passport size picture taken. You will need to submit at least two for each institution you apply to.
5. If you apply for a scholarship under HECAS then you MUST also apply to UCAS (if you are applying to a UK university). Make sure you get your Form A, Form B and draft of personal statement ready so your HEA can check and then give you the buzzword.
6. If you choose to go to an education agent, please take note that the college can NOT pass your confidential reference to you or the agent. We deal directly with university and colleges only so if you need a reference then get the email address and name of the admissions officer to whom you have to send the reference to. If you are applying through UCAS using the MD buzzword then we will be able to upload the reference.
7. Scholarship Unit, UBD and ITB requires you to print out your HECAS form and send a copy to the institution that you are applying to along with copies of your IC, birth cert, academic certs and CCA certs. Please provide HEU with a copy of your HECAS form and put it in the pigeonhole in HEU.
Your advisers will also be busy with Lower Sixth admissions so please be patient, dont panic and if it is really urgent, see us at the Auditorium.
Good Luck!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Events in February
1st - Launch of HECAS 2010
4th - MDPMAMB and British Council UK Education Fair
5th - Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe Institut of Technology Germany. Jati Transport, Gadong, 730pm
6th and 7th - MoE "Open Day for Undergraduates and Higher Education Institutions 2010"
ICC Berakas, 8am - 5pm
8th - 13th - Lower Six Admissions (tentative to when results come out)
8am-4pm, MDPMAMB Auditorium
13th - Infoday@ITB
ITB, 8am-4pm
17th - Study in USA briefing
MDPMAMB Conference Room, 2pm-330pm
18th - Careers in the Ministry of Health
ICC Berakas, 8am -4pm
26th - Study in Malaysia Exhibition
Orchid Garden Hotel, 10am - 8pm
See you there!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
University League Tables
Well, if you are applying for a scholarship then yes, it matters.
For those applying for a MoE Scholarship - Undergraduate Degree , then the university you select needs to be in the top 50 ranking of the Times 2010 Good University Guide.
However, if you are applying for a scholarship for HND, universities in the top 100 will suffice.
For those eyeing the Sultan's Scholar award and the MinDef Supreme Commander Scholarship then getting a place in a very prestigious and top ranking university is VERY important.
Check out this website for the world ranking of universities all over the globe.
2009 Top 100 Universities in the World
Notice that most of the universities are in the USA so widen your options when searching for universities.
Alternatively, check out the ranking for ASIAN Universities,
2009 Top 100 Universities in ASIA
Those applying to Singapore and Malaysian Unis should take note that the higher ranked unis usually require at least a C in GENERAL PAPER.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
MoE, JPKE, BAS and JPI Scholarships
What's the difference?
MoE Degree and HND Scholarship - Bonded with the MoE/Government. If there is a need for you to become a teacher then you will be. (Unless you are strictly bonded to become a teacher then you will definitely have to work with MoE)
JPKE Scholarship and BAS Scholarship - Higher requirements, NOT bonded to become a teacher but highly likely to work with the government
JPI Scholarship - Must have credit in Malay, English AND ARABIC O level. Entry requirements differ. Highly likely to work with the government
2010 MoE Scholarship List, UBD and ITB requirements
Entry Requirements and suggested courses for MOE Scholarship 2010/2011
Entry Requirements and Courses Available at UBD 2010 / 2011 - Please click on Entry Req.
Entry Requirements and Courses Available at ITB 2010 / 2011
U62009, Please amend your Form A and Form B accordingly, especially if you are applying for a scholarship as there are many new courses that are on the list now.
Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe Institut of Technology,Germany
A briefing about the above event will be held on,
FRIDAY 5th February 2010
7.30 pm
Jati Transport, Mercedes Showroom Gadong.
For students and parents interested to know more about the course, please make your way there but dont forget to RSVP first. Students with strong background in Maths and Physics are encouraged to attend.
Maktab DPM Al-Muhtadee BIllah and British Council UK University Fair
THURSDAY, 4th February 2010.
830-1130 AM
Maktab Duli Library
More than 20 UK Universities participating, full list available on HEU Noticeboard.
If you have applied or are interested in applying to any of these Unis please make sure you come and ring along your personal statement for further advice!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Feedback on VISION Programme
We request your kind cooperation in giving us feedback on your experience with the VISION programme that you went through whilst in MD. Any comments are welcome and would be much appreciated! Can you please email your feedback at
Thank you! :)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
UCAS 2010 Application Reminders
However before we give you the buzzword YOU NEED TO HAVE REGISTERED WITH VISION FIRST. You also need to bring along a completed Form A, Form B, and a draft of your personal statement.
Once you have the buzzword you will then be registered under the college and can proceed to
Things to remember are as follows,
1. Enter your name as it appears on your passport or as it is on your A level certificates.
2. When you fill in your address make sure that you don't include 'DARUSSALAM'. Brunei will suffice.
3. Tel. No: Begin with +6732.. or +6738....
5. Residential Category: Other
6. Fee Code: 09 Overseas Agency (if you're applying for a scholarship)
Private Finance (if your parents etc are paying)
1. Date of Attendance in school:
For your previous secondary school January 2003 - January 2008
For Maktab Duli - February 2008- January 2010
The dates above are in accordance to your leaving certificate.
2. Awarding Body : CIE (University of Cambridge International Exams)
3. Entering 'O' level qualifications:
GEOGRAPHY | B | 01/08 | CIE |
The date that you put down is the date of when you obtained your result, NOT when you sat for the exam.
The same rule above applies for your A level qualifications. (Add two months after you sat for the exam)
3. Entering AS level qualifications:
If you are applying before your results have come out, then include your AS grades for all the subjects taken (But not the grade for each paper)
If you apply after your results come out, You only enter your language support modules
e.g. General Paper, English AS, English Language and Lit, Literature AS, Thinking Skills.
Please note General STUDIES is NOT the same as General Paper!
Enter your personal statement only AFTER is has been checked by your counsellor!
Please note that this is the most crucial part of the application so be prepared to revise your personal statement over and over again! If you choose to put in your personal statement without having it checked by your counsellor that we will take NO responsibility of any mistakes in style, technicality and accuracy of your statement resulting in the rejection of your application.
Once everything is all checked and ready, make the payment using a credit card and then send to referee (MD HEU).
Applications sent to referee will be sent to UCAS 2-3 weeks from date sent to referee. You should receive a Welcome Letter from UCAS 1-2 weeks later.
Undergraduate Scholarship to Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Scholarship to The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
For students interested in furthering their studies at Singapore Universities (NUS, NTU, SMU)
- Open to citizens of Asia Pacific countries e.g ASEAN countries
- Undergraduate Degree in preferably Business, Banking or Finance Courses
- Bonded to work in/for a Singaporean company for 3 years
For more details please see HEU or click here
For application forms please click here
HEU Deadline for interested applicants:
21st JANUARY 2010
Brunei Gas Carriers Cadet Scholarship 2010
VIP Room Maktab Duli
The talk is open to all U6 students and leavers. General requirements are as follows,
- Male!
- Brunei Citizen
- 17-25 years old
- Must sit for IELTS and get 6.0
Credits in O level Maths, English, Physics or Combined Science and any other English medium subject
- At least 120 UCAS points - (minimum C in numerate A level subject)
For more details on what a Marine Cadet does, please come to the talk and sign up at the HEU Notice board.
Friday, January 8, 2010
What U6 2009 Students Need to Know

Please click on the image above to see a mind map of what your options are now that your exams have finished. Alternatively, for a clearer version, click on this link.
Download the PDF version and zoom in to relevant parts.
If you have more questions, ask your HEA!
Welcome to 2010!
It was a hectic end to the year last year, sincere apologies for the lack of updates. We will continue to try to update the blog as frequently as possible.
Things to look out for this month,
9th Jan - ITB Career Dialogue at ITB. 830am - 4pm, ITB, (Transport not provided)
16th Jan - BGC Marine Cadet Sponsorship Programme. 2-330pm, VIP Room
To be confirmed,
Otago University briefing - Scholars from the University share their experience
Study in USA talk - What you need to do to apply to a US Uni
More news later!