Upper sixth students are currently seeing their HE Advisers to discuss their VISION Progress.
Their HEA are to discuss with them their research findings on courses and universities. In addition, they also get help with their Personal Statement and Plan of Study (which is normally drafted and completed after receiving the A Level result).
How can VISION help these students?
When their A Level results are released next year in January 2009, they shall not need to panic as they have considered their options either for higher education or employment for 2009. All students need to do next year is get their result slip, obtain the relevant forms i.e. scholarships, UBD,ITB and etc. , and then complete and submit the forms. They can use the personal statement and plan of study that we are helping them with at the moment.
So meet your HEA and avoid the panic attack in January next year :)
"People who have goals, succeed, because they know where they are going"